Monday, June 29, 2009

Simple Bite-Sized Quiche

I had leftover pie crust from the Father's Day spread, so I decided to clean out some stuff in the fridge and make a quiche. It's really very simple. I just estimated everything, so I don't have exact measurements for the ingredients.

Time: 0:45
Serves: 8

Crust from mini cherry tart
1/4 lb ground meat (I used turkey)
equal volume chopped veggies (I used spinach, peas and carrots)
equal volume grated/chopped cheese (I used brie, mozzarella and smoked gouda)
salt, pepper to taste
1 egg
1.5 Tbsp milk

1. Season the meat and brown over medium heat. Stir in the veggies.
2. Preheat oven to 350F.
3. Place pie dough into mini muffin pan. Fill with meat/veggie mixture and cheese.
4. Lightly beat the egg with the milk. Season with salt and pepper. Divide evenly among the quiches.
5. Bake for 20min or until egg mixture is firm and quiche crust is done.

Serve warm.

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